Dimensioning in motion

Wilkins Move Dimensioner

Cost savings for businesses, by freeing up staff from repetitive tasks, they can be reallocated to more complex and valuable roles, enhancing overall productivity. Gotta go fast! Measure up to 1200 packages every hour with our automated solution.

800 - 1200

Parcels per hour

2.5 s

Average time to processes a package

Quick and easy operations if you need to go through many packages Wilkins move might be right for you. Adaptable to any conveyor belt system that currently exists in your warehouse. We will even help you set it up!

Designed to be the fastest of all! With Wilkins Move objects up to 36 inches moving on a conveyor belt, providing real-time measurements for a seamless integration with your automated systems. Processes up to 1200 parcels per hour.

Improve the processing time of your packages in the blink of an eye, Wilkins Move manages the innovative suite of Microsoft Kinect cameras for precise IR and RGB imaging.

Our cutting-edge technology is specifically designed to enhance warehouse operations and streamline logistics processes, empowering businesses to achieve greater efficiency and productivity in their daily operations.

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