Automate your dimensioning processes

increase your warehouse productivity

Our dimensioners and OCR systems can speed up your warehouse operations up to 95%

Experience the Power of Ultra-Fast and Accurate Dimensioning

Our cutting-edge technology is designed to enhance warehouse operations and streamline logistics processes, attaining greater efficiency and productivity in daily operations. Trust Wilkins for an advanced dimensioning solution and achieve superior performance in your warehouse.

Dimensioning the future

Improve your company’s performance, experience the power of ultra-fast and accurate dimensioning with the Wilkins product line, designed to meet a variety of logistical needs:

Wilkins Pallet Dimensioner

A powerhouse in oversized dimensioning. It handles heavy loads, processing up to 250 pallets per hour. 

Wilkins Parcel Dimensioner

Ideal setup for small and medium sized parcels. Speed up and process up to 300 parcels per hour.

Wilkins Move Dimensioner

Experience an efficiency revolution inside your warehouse. Process up to 1200 parcels per hour and sort them out in the process.

This is how we process millions of packages

Our state-of-the-art technology will allow your organization to safely leap into the digital transformation era

Always thinking of our clients

Our clients have already experienced time savings by eliminating human errors in the logistics process.

Mind blowing Machine Learning Algorthims

Our clients have already experienced time savings by eliminating human errors in the logistics process.

A Cloud Solution for all your needs

Access your information from any device and from any part in the world, our cloud solutions give you the agility your organization needs

Built-in Security

Your data is safe with us, we provide the best security so you and only you have access to your organization information


Warehouse Automation

Our cutting-edge system incorporates:

Azure Kinect cameras for precise IR and RGB imaging

Innovative propietary ML and computer vision algorithms

Save your information in one place

Trust Sizelabs to deliver the future of warehouse automation with state-of-the-art solutions that transform your logistics processes.

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